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Horklump.Fantastic beasts and where to find them



This creature is like a pinkish mushroom. Instead of legs/roots, he has tentacles that he buries into the ground in search of his favorite delicacy - earthworms. It is known that the trace of the colorful Streeller can destroy the tough Horclump's hats (this is what the small green Streeler doing on the illustration). These mushroom-like creatures are a treat for garden gnomes.
My add-ons.
All the illustrations I've found show this creature as a plant, but it's definitely a creature, so I drew it with eyes. To disguise eyes and for intimidation he has red pappers on his head. They make this "mushroom" visually less appetizing for various predators, as well as if necessary can burst, releasing a corrosive gas that would scare off the enemies.
Also, the "skirt" under the hat is hairy. In winter Horclump burrows into the ground, fluffs his fur for warmth and falls into anabiosis.

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